Tom’s Best Whole Wheat Pizza Crust

June 14th, 2010

Here is the dough, toppings are are whatever…


  • 1 1/4 cup water, room temp. or a little warmer
  • 1/2 tbs honey
  • 1 tbs yeast
  • 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup gluten flour
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 tbs salt


Mix water, honey and yeast in a large bowl and let set until yeast is dissolved and starting to bubble. Mix remaining dry ingredients and add 1/2 of the dry mix to the wet mix and stir well. Then add the olive oil and again mix well. Add remaining dry ingredients and mix until uniform. Drop the ball of dough into a ziplock bag or leave in the bowl, cover and let rise for 1 to 3 hours. You can refrigerate this for up to a week and use to bake flat breads or more pizzas.

When ready for pizza cut in half on a floured surface and quickly form into 2 balls. Each ball is for one pizza. Smash flat and roll out to at 14 to 16 inch diameter circle. Bake at 500F  for 4 minutes. Take out, turn over and add topping. Bake again for 8 to 12 minutes or until cooked enough for you and your guests. Owen & Walt, remember to give me a call when you read this recipe. I use a preheated Lodge cast iron pizza pan for both bakes to get a dynamite crisp crust.

For a great taste and fun time – divide the lump into 4 to 6 smaller balls roll out and cook the pizzas on an outdoor grill similar to above.  Let everyone build their own pizza after the first bake.


Try these for variety:

Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds and salt and roll in before the first bake for a tasty bottom for your pizza. Also good for flat bread.

Brush all over with hot chili oil after the first bake.



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You are currently reading Tom’s Best Whole Wheat Pizza Crust at the PNW Family Cookbook.
